What are your favourite ways to get outside?
Walking our two black labs in the forests and along the River Tweed. We are constantly finding new places to go and explore.
The views across the rolling hills of the Tweed Valley are spectacular. I love the openness, the freedom and the wilderness. The different seasons bring a wonderful change of colour to the Borders landscape but Autumn has to be my favourite.
I also love riding my mountain bike along the fire roads of our many forests and over the Southern Upland way or along the drover’s routes. Traditional single track is all that existed back in 1989 when my husband and I first got our Giant hard-tail mountain bikes.
A wee picnic often features somewhere on the walk or bike ride all year round although a flask of home-made soup is necessary for the Winter!
Skiing in Europe is something we have always done as a family. There is nothing better than fresh snow on a bluebird day. Lunch alfresco in the sunshine and a little bit of apres-ski at the end of the day. Marvellous!

How do you feel outdoor activity enriches your life?
Just being outside in the open air is something I love. The warm glow you get after returning from a bracing walk or cycle makes you feel good all over- in body and mind. Cycling with Belles on Bikes in the Borders is such good fun and I’ve met so many new friends over the last couple of years. We’ve had a good few laughs too and there’s always a cake stop for a natter.
Do you think being an active Mum has helped inspire your kids into sport?
My husband and I have always been ‘outdoors and active’ people. We are always doing something and rarely sit down. We both played a variety of different sports and our kids have followed in our footsteps. They have a natural talent for anything two-wheeled, probably because they were riding bikes almost before they could walk! It helps when you live in the Tweed Valley and have direct and easy access to such a fantastic natural landscape. Thomas loves Enduro and competes at a high level. Eireann is a very talented snowboarder but she’s pretty good on two-wheels too.

Do cycling and other outdoor activities play a large part in your life?
Cycling, golf and motorcycling are just three of my passions. I am also a keen swimmer and swim every morning. You will often see me heading to the pool at 6.30am with my FINDRA beanie to keep my head warm before and after my swim.
How did you discover FINDRA and what's your most worn piece?
I first stumbled across FINDRA a few years ago at a local bike event where Alex had a few items for sale from a small marquee. I loved the look and feel straight away. At the time, there were very few stylish quality garments for women, the focus was very male orientated. I also joined Alex and a few other girls for a ride from Broughton over the hills to Peebles. It has been fantastic to see the business and range grow and develop over the years. I have continued to indulge myself and I must confess that I do have a range of tops. I just love them all, especially the colours and the cut. My current favourite is the FINDRA Marin Merino Cowl neck top. I had one in navy and then spotted this fabulous wine coloured one so that’s the fav for the moment!! Most worn is the Trail beanie and Eireann wore hers the whole season when she was in a chalet hostess in Austria.