I have physical and mental health issues which make it hard for us to go out, I was determined my issues weren’t going to stop me but empower me instead. I have liver cirrhosis and Olly has a shortened life expectancy due to his poor start in life, so it is so important for us to get out and adventure together as much as we can.
I’ve always been a lover of the outdoors but didn’t have the confidence to go out by myself especially to go camping so I took action. It took me a long time to find the right person but, eventually I found her, Megan Hine took me out and helped me gain the confidence to make sure that Olly and I remained safe in the wilderness.

When I was diagnosed with my health issues and was told that I could possibly die, I was determined not to let my life flash before my eyes and to enjoy all my time with Olly. So I have found a calling to help people with mental and physical health issues, to get them outside and enjoy it like I do. Sometimes people will just want a camping partner, a walking partner or to play with Olly, it gives them confidence and makes them happy. I love that I can be a part of that, I just want to help people. I take them camping, hiking and biking or just out for coffee and cake, anything they want to do and that they feel comfortable with. The people I meet often haven’t been out of the house for a very long time, even going to the shop is difficult for some people. I find that it really helps when I have Olly with me, people concentrate on him and they tend not to worry so much about stepping out of their comfort zone.

I have set up personal goals for me and Olly, I’d love to go to as many countries doing different activities as I can, I would love to go on a long survival trip in a different country, we’re hoping to do this next year for my 30th birthday and Olly’s 5th which will be a huge milestone for us both.
I really love my FINDRA clothing, I think I have the full shop in my backpack because they don’t smell for long periods of time it’s just perfect for me and my lifestyle. I don’t drive and I use public transport a lot, so I don’t want to smell after all the adventures we go on! I spend a lot of my life living in a tent, traveling around the UK for long periods of time so the merino really works for me. I am amazed how quickly the FINDRA clothing dries and how little I need to wash them.

It’s difficult to choose a piece of FINDRA clothing I like best but I think I would choose the relaxed biking shorts, they are a perfect pairing with leggings. I love the hats too, they’re perfect in hot weather to keep my hair out of the way, I don’t overheat which is a bonus in a warm lightweight colourful hat.
I have learnt over the past few years as a fur-pal owner that having proper equipment is paramount for everyone to be safe. Wherever you’re going think about your layers and what you wear on your feet. I always think about Olly too, what will he need for a trip and how will I keep him safe?

Here is my kit list for Olly:
- Rain coat
- Insulated coat
- Sleeping bag
- Boots for all his 4 paws and paw wax
- Light for his collar
- Backpack (get the correct size for your fur-pal and don’t overload the pack)
- Tag saying contact details and that he’s chipped
- Spare lead and collars
- Food and water (lots if they get hungry and thirsty)
I also take Olly to get checked up at the vets to make sure he’s medically fit to go on adventures and do a check where the nearest vets is, just in case we need to go. Please keep to the county code and leave nothing behind, just footprints and bike tracks.
Thank for reading my blog and I hope to see you and your pawpals out and about in your FINDRA on the trails.
Phoebe and Olly