Introducing Fiona Quinn

"At the age of 28 I got my first adult bike on the cycle to work scheme, encouraged and literally pushed up the hills, by my then boyfriend who was a lycra-clad sportive fan. I didn’t share his love of competition but there was something compelling about the open road that I’d never experienced before.
Deciding to venture out on two wheels changed the direction I was heading more than I could have known and would, oddly, lead me to face my fear of the sea by stand up paddleboarding Land’s End to John O’Groats (LEJOG) just 3 years later.
Being outside gave me a new found confidence to come up with daring ideas and, if they hooked something in me, I’d go after them. I didn’t need anyone’s permission and I didn’t need to achieve ‘success’ based on anyone else’s definition. It was just for me, however I wanted and that was a kind of freedom I was missing in my everyday life. Mother nature doesn’t care if you’re qualified, if you’re a man or a woman, young or old, injured or an elite athlete, she’ll rain or shine on you all the same and I loved how levelling that felt."
Read more from Fiona over on her dedicated blog!
Location of the Week

Out of all the places to be in the world, everybody usually has one favourite place to be. A place where everything feels right in the world, one where you feel like you've come home. For Fiona, it's the Lake District.
" I first visited the Lakes when I was walking JOGLE and it's become my favourite place in Britain. I love it so much I've just moved up here and hugely enjoy getting out in the hills or on the lakes most days. The physical challenge keeps me on my toes and the quiet gives me time to think. It's wonderful."
If you're planning on heading to the Lakes this year, or even if you're quietly curious, check out these 12 walks around the Lake District to get your adventure plans underway!
Book of the Week

Narrowing down a favourite book is near-impossible for most people, but we always like to ask for recommendations. Endure by Alex Hutchinson is one of Fiona's favourites!
"As the founder of AdventureBook.Club I've read lots of great books so it's hard to pick just one, but this story is a brilliant delve into what enables some people to go further than anyone thought possible. I won't give away the ending, but the key is something we all have the ability to develop no matter our physical ability. Give it a read and let me know what you think!"
Music of the Week
We’re building a FINDRA Community Playlist over on Spotify, bringing you music of a rather eclectic variety! From classic dance tunes to lesser-known indie songs, we hope there’s something new in there for you. If you’ve got a favourite you’d like to hear in the playlist, drop us a tweet!
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift is Fiona's go-to song for motivation. "When I was walking the length of Britain I got trench foot which was pretty painful. Initially I winced and try to walk differently to compensate in the hope that it'd hurt a little less. But on the second day I just stopped, shook my arms and legs and tried to loosen my whole body. When I started walking again, as long as I thought about anything other than walking, my feet didn't hurt at all. Shaking it off totally works as an adventure strategy!"
Whatever you're up to this week, dear friends, have a great time!
Love, Team FINDRA x