How long has the outdoors been a part of your life?
I walked up Snowdon under my own steam for the first time when I was three. As a reward my mum and dad bought me my first pair of walking boots.
What’s been your favourite trip or adventure?
The South West Coast Path which I’ve done in sections.
How do you find a balance between being active and life’s other responsibilities i.e. work and family?
Being active is something I find essential to my job. To be ready to do anything on stage I need to be fit and fearless. I try to make being active part of my work day - commuting by train and bike- and on days off I’m off in the hills with my border collie, Juno trail running, hiking or cycling.
Is there anyone who inspired your love of the outdoors?
My grandfather grew up in a city but he had such a love and respect for nature, he became the most knowledgeable person I’ve met about wildlife and the natural world.

Do you find that being outside has a positive impact on your wellbeing and mental health?
After many years of focusing just on my career I found I’d turned into a person more at home on the sofa than on a mountain. I didn’t like being that person and a serious illness made me totally change my lifestyle. Now I find that being active is essential for my mental and physical health. But it’s more than that. After a few days in an urban environment I find I really need to be out in nature - as wild as possible.
What is it about trail running specifically that you love?
I love the challenge of trail running and the views. It’s where I find my inner happy place.

When did you discover FINDRA?
I was looking for some clothes which would be smart enough to wear for work, made of natural fibres and suitable for long and vigorous bike rides. Findra tucked all the boxes when I discovered it on a google search this time last year and I can honestly say I’ve worn Findra every day since.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Say yes to everything. Work out how to do it afterwards.
On writing this blog, what do you feel is the key motivational or inspirational message you would like to highlight to our followers that would inspire them to get outdoors more?
Have a healthy respect for the wild places but don’t be frightened of exploring them. Make friends with the elements. Embrace the rain. Enjoy the snow. Wear the right kit for the conditions. Do something you love in beautiful places.
Favourite Place?
My favourite place is Cornwall - it’s a heady mix of Tristan and Isolde (Isolde is the role I’ve performed most in my career and it’s set in Cornwall), incredible scenery and the Atlantic. It’s a fierce, wild and passionate landscape - like Isolde herself.

Favourite Quote?

Favourite Song?
Tristan - Isolde Liebestod