Findra founder Alex Feechan said: “We are committed to doing whatever we can to reduce our impact on the environment and deliver a sustainable future. A spotlight has been shone on the fashion industry and the extensive supply chain behind it, highlighting the massive contribution that fast fashion and our buying habits make to land fill sites.
“We are proud to receive this award which recognises the work that we do to counter this, and we hope it will also inspire other companies to play their part.”
The firm was recognised for its efforts in producing clothing which is made from merino wool, a natural fibre which is both renewable and biodegradable.
Its products are made using seamless performance technology which produces high quality garments without seams, generating 30% less waste compared to traditional processes.
The announcement of the win follows a rigorous judging process which included a written application, three rounds of judging panels and a site visit for each of the 36 shortlisted businesses, to assess their environmental processes.
Each of the 2019 Vibes - Scottish Environment Business Awards winners is now eligible to enter the next European Business Awards for the Environment which is open to winners and runners up of RSA Accredited award schemes. VIBES is the only Scottish based RSA Accredited award scheme.Bob Downes, chair of SEPA and head of the judging panel, said: “The scale of the environmental challenge facing humanity, from climate change to plastics in our oceans, is enormous, with a real urgency to act. The most successful businesses in the future will be those that are not just compliant, but which are also low carbon, low material use, low water use and low waste, and which see environmental excellence as an opportunity. This is at the core of SEPA’s One Planet Prosperity regulatory strategy.
“It is very encouraging to see the diverse range of businesses, small and large, which are taking important steps to reduce their impact on the environment and which understand how environmental excellence can also benefit their bottom line. I would like to congratulate each of this year’s winning businesses and organisations, and hope that others will be inspired to follow in their footsteps.”

"Findra clothing firm on form after green award success" - Southern Reporter
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