FINDRA's Weekly Inspiration: Adventure is Only a State of Mind

FINDRA's Weekly Inspiration: Adventure is Only a State of Mind

Here at FINDRA, we’re always looking to bring you snippets of motivation to get you inspired for your own everyday adventures. So what’s caught our eyes and ears this week?


Quote of the Week


Book of the Week

Alastair Humphreys Microadventures

After graduating from University, Alastair Humphreys set out to cycle around the world. Four years later, he returned in love with adventure. Since then, he's rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, crossed deserts and more. Plenty of people dream about doing these huge adventures but find that there are too many things in the way. If anything, starting is the hardest part.

"So I thought to myself, what if you make it easy? What if you make it so small, so short on your time that really there's no excuse not to get started. What if you have a microadventure?"

If adventure is only a state of mind, surely you can find adventure anywhere? With this in mind, Alastair spent a year in the UK adventuring on a small scale at home, starting with walking around the M25. Yes, the M25.

His book, Microadventures, is the result of that year. If you're keen to have more adventure in your life but maybe you can only realistically fit it into a weekend, then this book really will help you get started. Here's Alastair to tell you more:





Poem of the Week

Jo Moseley

We're super proud of our brand ambassador, Jo Moseley. She juggles commitments at work, home and looking out for her Dad. Like many women her age, time for myself is short and precious. Tiny everyday adventures in the Dales & North Sea are a source of huge joy & wellbeing for her.

"Anxious and stressed when both my parents were undergoing chemotherapy, I found myself unable to sleep and sobbing in our local supermarket! I was simply overwhelmed! A friend gave me an old indoor rowing machine suggesting exercise might help. Feeling brighter within days, I went on to row a million metres and marathon, raising over £10,000 for charity in memory of my Mum in 2014. Since then I’ve not looked back!"

Jo recently wrote a wonderful poem which encapsulates everything she's been through. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.







Finding Joy

I couldn’t find them in the fridge

Not in a bar of salty chocolate nor homemade rhubarb jam 

I’d searched on Twitter trending and scoured Stories on the ‘Gram. 


My body grew quite nervous, I was anxious in my soul

My joy and courage had gone AWOL

I didn’t feel so whole. 


With treasured fins & boards I headed for the beach

Laced up my trusty running shoes for a crag just out of reach. 


With every moorland trail I ran 

As bracing waves were ridden

I travelled closer to the place

Where what I yearned was hidden.


I found a space my gentle breath

Could soothe my worried soul 

Close all the open tabs 

And fill that love shaped hole.


Morning runs on heathered hills, wild  swims along the shore

I discovered within what I’d been searching for

A blossoming of joy, a sense of who I am

A room to call my own, my brave that says ‘I can’


I couldn’t find them in the fridge or looking at my phone 

But on a windswept Yorkshire peak and cold embracing sea 

The answers I’d been seeking all along

Came out to welcome me.


I am enough! My heart is full. 

This joy will set me free. 


The hills and waves had brought me home. 


They’d brought me home … to me. 


For more from Jo, check out her website.


Music of the Week

We’re building a FINDRA Community Playlist over on Spotify, bringing you music of a rather eclectic variety! From classic dance tunes to lesser-known indie songs, we hope there’s something new in there for you. If you’ve got a favourite you’d like to hear in the playlist, drop us a tweet!

Team FINDRA's Helen tells us this song is a great one to put on to push through the pain wall at the end of a run. It'll keep those feet pounding on the pavement, just be careful not to start dancing!


Whatever you’re up to this week, friends, remember to find your everyday adventure.

Love, Team FINDRA x

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