FINDRA's Weekly Inspiration: Thinking of Doing a Triathlon?

FINDRA's Weekly Inspiration: Thinking of Doing a Triathlon?

Here at FINDRA, we’re always looking to bring you snippets of motivation to get you inspired for your own everyday adventures. We have partnered with Gleneagles Hotel for this weekend's brand new Adventure Race, so we started thinking inspirational thoughts about the challenge that is the triathlon.


Quote of the Week


Book of the Week

Everybody has to start somewhere, and you may as well start at the beginning. This book by Richard Bond takes you through all the steps which will get you to the start, and finish, line.

Richard has a background in a variety of sports from Half Marathons to Obstacle Courses to 5km Swims and 100km Bike races, so we'd say he's the perfect person to help a newbie in triathlon!

When it says 'beginners guide', it's not stretching the truth. You'll be taken through how to swim, type of bikes, workout plans and hydration advice. If you're thinking about starting a triathlon, this is the place to begin!







Best Breakfast Ideas

Nerves on race day are to be expected, but what does that mean for your breakfast? IRONMAN have put together a great guide to keeping your pre-race meal simple.
Ask a dozen triathletes what they like to eat on the morning of an IRONMAN and you'll get a baker's dozen different answers. There are easy and convenient options, like a bagel and banana with peanut butter, a liquid meal replacement for a nervous belly, or a bowl of oatmeal and eggs, compliments of a kitchenette. Washed down with sports drink and coffee, most IRONMAN athletes swear by one of these early-morning menus.

But with so many unique needs, there are a few atypical breakfasts for thought out there. For example, have you ever considered a baked potato with fish, white rice with figs and honey, or applesauce with protein powder? Passing on the caffeine jolt, how about a cup of hot water to get the system going or kombucha tea for a happier gut?

Check out their four simple meal ideas over on their site.


Music of the Week

We’re building a FINDRA Community Playlist over on Spotify, bringing you music of a rather eclectic variety! From classic dance tunes to lesser-known indie songs, we hope there’s something new in there for you. If you’ve got a favourite you’d like to hear in the playlist, drop us a tweet!

If you do find yourself on the start line of a triathlon of any length, then congratulations and enjoy it! There'll definitely be a point where this song by AC/DC is very relevant, but you'll be picking up your phone at the finish line and booking your next race in. Good luck!


Whatever you’re up to this week, friends, remember to find your everyday adventure.

Love, Team FINDRA x

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